


英国65多名欧盟国民可能错过了申请欧盟结算计划的截止日期根据英国议会报告说。Only 2% of all applications for the scheme were submitted by people over the age of 65. There are concerns they could have slipped through the system because they are “digitally challenged” and didn’t know how to apply online for settled status to remain in the UK. The number of children (they had to apply separately from their parents) is also lower than expected. New Europeans UK, a charity supporting EU citizens to access their rights, said it had “encountered many individuals who have no mobile phone, no digital access and inappropriate or no documentation.” One example being Italians who settled in the UK after the Second World War, “many of whom are pensioners,” some of whom had applied for permanent residence, something no longer open to them since the introduction of the resettlement scheme. The report also questions why the 5.4 million people who have obtained settled status up to now have not be provided with a physical certificate, which would be of particular benefit to those currently disadvantaged by digital-only status.


青少年怀孕在津巴布韦期间在津巴布韦飙升。在2021年1月至2月至2月,津巴布韦在津巴布韦纪录了近5,000名少女怀孕,18岁以下的近2,000名女孩已婚。津巴布韦同意的年龄是18.强烈担心冠状病毒大流行是扭转了该国青少年生育率的最近下行趋势。国会议员和民间社会团体提出,在16岁以下应能够获得避孕药的避孕药,而且应该允许获得堕胎服务。However, the proposal has been rejected by Zimbabwe’s vice-president and health minister, Constantino Chiwenga, who said: “Since a child under the age of 16 years cannot consent to sexual intercourse in practice, it is presumed that a child under the age of 16 years does not need contraceptives.” Organizations fighting for girls’ rights are calling for an holistic approach to combatting teenage pregnancies: making contraceptives available, increasing awareness about safe sex and abstinence, providing teenagers with information on sexual and reproductive health so they can make informed decisions.

Phillip B. Levine.伊萨劳工制品“少女休闲与劳动力市场对女性的影响。


彼得J. Sloane.“2020年的意见片”推迟东京2020年奥运会的经济影响。
