Teny Maghakian Shapiro

Santa Clara University, USA

World of Labor is an exciting and important project that makes labor policy research accessible to everyone. I am thrilled to be a part of it and share in their commitment to provide policymakers with comprehensive and clear information about today’s most important labor issues

IZA World of Labor role


Current position

Assistant Professor of Economics, Santa Clara University, USA

Research interest

Education, health, labor economics, public economics

Past positions

Assistant Professor of Economics, University of California, Merced, 2012–2013


经济学博士学位, University of California, Davis, 2012

Selected publications

  • “A’s from Zzz’s? The causal effect of school start time on the academic achievement of adolescents.” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 3:3 (2011): 62–81 (with S. Carrell and J. West).

  • “What a difference a day makes: Quantifying the effects of birth timing manipulation on infant health.” Journal of Health Economics 33 (2014): 139–158 (with L. Schulkind).

  • “Missed signals: The effect of ACT college-readiness measures on post-secondary decisions.” Economics of Education Review 46 (2015): 39–51 (with A. Foote and L. Schulkind).