

发布于:Andy Furlong(Ed。),Routledge Handbook的青年和年轻Adulthood,2017年第二次Edn

这是一个很难成为一个年轻的欧洲寻求进入劳动力市场的时间,但是年轻人试图找到就业的问题的本质究竟是什么?已经认识到,失业与一系列负面健康后果有关,身体和心理既往往会因失业期限而增长。失业也与不满意的人有关 - 对于那些经历它的人以及那些雇用的人,而且害怕失业的时候,在高职位不安全的时候,众所周知,不快乐本身与心理和身体健康有关。还有一个重要的证据,将青年失业(和非雇佣)联系起来的证据。对于社会而言,这不仅是犯罪性的昂贵,而且对个人来说也是昂贵的。此外,任何此类效果可能具有长期后果;一旦采取边缘化和犯罪的道路已经开始,一个人的未来前景(和期望)可能会相应调整。因此,失业对年轻人和整个社会不利;然而,同样重要的是,青年失业的不利后果主要与长期失业率相关,而不是失业。这是年轻人感受到经济衰退的真正有害影响。 During the recession, the prevalence of long-term unemployment amongst the young increased by more than one third. Moreover, this is not the only recent negative trend in young people's labour market experience with longer term consequences. In recent years, there has been increasing recognition that joblessness – or NEET – as it is now usually called, and not just unemployment per se is an issue for concern. Similarly, the emergence of high levels of temporary and part-time employment amongst young people and the longer term impacts of these contractual forms is also becoming a significant issue. This paper looks at recent trends in youth unemployment and joblessness and seeks to clarify some issues related to the nature of the youth labour market 'problem'.