
IZA DP No. 7707:有薪产假的理由是什么?


在过去的几十年里,随着越来越多的母亲进入职场,带薪产假变得越来越突出。实际上,1980年,经合组织成员国母亲带薪休假的中位数为14周,但到2011年已升至42周。我们评估了带薪产假的情况,重点关注父母对挪威一系列政策改革的反应,这些改革将带薪产假从18周扩大到35周(没有改变工作保护的长度)。我们的第一个实证结果是,所有改革似乎都没有淘汰无薪休假。每一项改革都增加了在家的时间,而不是工作时间,大致增加了允许的周数。由于大多数妇女的收入替代率为100%,改革导致母亲在产后在家的时间增加,而家庭收入却没有减少。我们的第二组实证结果显示,这种扩张对各种各样的结果几乎没有影响,包括孩子的学业成绩、父母的收入和短期或长期的劳动力市场参与、完全生育、结婚或离婚。不仅没有证据表明每一次单独的扩张都有显著的经济影响,而且即使我们对18至35周的所有扩张进行了累积估计,这个null结果仍然成立。我们的第三个发现是带薪产假具有负再分配属性。该计划在符合条件的母亲群体内,从不符合条件的人向符合条件的人进行递减转移。 Since there was no crowd out of unpaid leave, the extra leave benefits amounted to a pure leisure transfer, primarily to middle and upper income families. Finally, we investigate the financial costs of the extensions in paid maternity leave. We find these reforms had little impact on parents' future tax payments and benefit receipt. As a result, the large increases in public spending on maternity leave imply a considerable increase in taxes, at a cost to economic efficiency. Taken together, our findings suggest the generous extensions to paid leave were costly, had no measurable effect on outcomes and poor redistribution properties. In a time of harsh budget realities, our findings have important implications for countries that are considering future expansions or contractions in the duration of paid leave.