
IZA DP No. 15211:智慧城市发展模式中技术与社会要素的整合——以中国为例


世界各国,特别是中国的城市化进程是快速的。本研究旨在衡量社会基础设施关键组成部分之间的网络综合指数,以及它如何影响城市化进程。这项研究有几个目标。首先,我们确定了中国省级公共基础设施构成的关键决定因素。其次,计算组件间网络的多维索引。该指标属于综合指标的参数族。它由几个部分组成:经济、接待、公共设施、人力开发和通信设施。该指数的每个组成部分都由若干指标组成。该指数用于根据公共基础设施组件之间的联网发展水平对中国各省进行排名。在另一个步骤中,我们估计了综合指数及其潜在成分对城市化的影响。 Finally, the findings is used to achieve smooth urbanization strategy for Chinese provinces. The empirical results are based on China's province level data covering the period 2005-2014. Our investigations provide evidence that integration of technological and social components are necessary to promote the development of an optimal and a smart urban development model. The necessity of an optimal and targeted urban infrastructure investment strategy emerges from our analysis. We briefly discuss the possible lessons learned from some of the successful provincial urbanization strategies.