
IZA DP No. 125:德国移民的收入组合-种族起源和同化的影响或:谁从收入再分配中获益?

发表于《德国的收入构成和再分配:种族起源和同化的作用》,载于《经济研究季刊》,2001,70 (1),135-145

本文讨论了德国不同人口群体的经济表现,特别关注移民的种族起源与德国本土出生人口的比较。此外,还确定了由税收和社会保障制度引起的再分配过程中的赢家和输家。这是通过考虑市场收入和非市场收入的不同组成部分,以及税收和社会保障缴款来实现的。本收入组合分析基于德国社会经济小组1995年至1997年观测年的数据。人口亚群由西德人、东德人和移民组成;后者被分为少数民族移民(澳大利亚人)和外国人。根据移民被同化的程度,移民被区分为:与土生土长的成年德国人生活在一起的移民(“混合”移民)和其他移民(“纯”移民)。为了控制任何与退休有关的影响,我们对总人口以及那些居住在有黄金年龄户主的家庭的人进行了所有分析。我们的研究结果表明,就经济表现而言,移民是一个非常不同的群体。被充分同化的“混合”移民的相对收入地位甚至比西德本土人口更好。 In general, we confirm the well-known poor market performance of immigrants. However, also immigrants´ non-market incomes are atypically low (except for those of "pure" Aussiedler), mainly due to their age structure, resulting in lower eligibility for and receipt of old age pensions. Non-market incomes of younger immigrants are somewhat higher than those of the autochthonous West German population, but still much lower when compared to the East German population. Analyzing the re-distribution effect caused by public transfers, old age pensions, and tax and social security contributions, we find that immigrants as a whole are (slightly) net payers. Again, "pure" Aussiedler are an exception. When focusing only on younger people, the situation is reversed, and immigrants profit slightly. This is due to above average non-market income of "pure" immigrants. However, East Germans are still much better off. The question which remains to be answered is whether these differences stem from an immigrant specific effect per se or whether they are influenced by underlying social structure differences. Using random-effects models to control for various socio-economic measures, we find that non-German immigrants remain net payers. In addition, immigrants’ need of being subsidized by the re-distribution process rapidly and strongly decreases with progressing duration of stay in Germany. On the other hand, the subgroups substantially profiting from the re-distribution process are "pure" Aussiedler and East Germans. This means --at least in our static "snapshot" analysis-- that the "classic" immigrants (of non-German nationality) are no economic burden to the autochthonous population.