

这份由劳动研究所(IZA)撰写的战略文件展示了德国在未来十年再次实现充分就业的途径。上届政府的“2010年议程”已经付诸实施,其中的大部分内容都明确地将劳动力市场的发展引向了正确的方向。这些改革是德国比其他国家更能抵御近期金融和经济危机的主要原因之一。虽然这些成就不应受到质疑,但有必要采取进一步行动。IZA概念包括以下要素:(1)教育改革:必须改善幼儿教育。社会背景不应再决定未来的职业前景。学校和大学之间更多的独立和竞争将提高教育质量。选择学生进入不同的中学轨道应该发生在更高的年龄。双轨制的学徒培训可以缩短。大学学费可以用毕业税代替。 (2) Welfare state reform: A consistent implementation of the principle of reciprocity would create additional employment incentives and make working for a living worthwhile again even for the low-skilled. Workfare is socially just and promotes independence rather than producing dependency. Child benefits should be granted primarily as vouchers. (3) Job placement reform: The problem groups of the labor market need one-stop support tailored to their individual needs as soon as they become unemployed. IZA proposes the creation of job centers that act independently from local and federal authorities in order to avoid the organizational maze of unclear responsibilities. (4) Immigration policy reform: Germany needs high-skilled immigrants to cope with demographic change and skilled labor shortages. A selection system for permanent immigrants and a market-based solution for temporary immigrants would substantially increase the economic benefits of immigration and create additional momentum for the realization of full employment.