
IZA DP No. 9542:能力流失

发表于:Journal of Population Economics, 2017, [在线第一), doi: 10.1007 / s00148 - 017 - 0644 - 1

能力流失(AD)是否具有经济意义?《财富》美国500强中超过40%的公司都是由移民或他们的子女创立的,这表明事实的确如此。此外,脑流失(BD)诱发脑增加(BG)。这不是靠能力就能做到的。尽管如此,尽管BD已经被广泛研究,AD流失却没有。我研究了移民对能力(a)、教育(h)和生产性人力资本或“技能”(s)的影响——包括a和h——对于来源地居民和移民,在积分系统(PS)下,“审查”系统(VS),占s(例如,美国H1-B签证),和“新”积分系统(NS),结合PS和VS(例如,加拿大,2015+)。我发现I)移民降低(提高)来源国居民(移民)的平均能力,并对他们的平均教育和技能有模糊的(积极的)影响,净技能流失比净BD更有可能;ii) AD大于BD;iii)随着能力的不相等或方差V(a)的增大,效应增大;iv)这些政策依次提高V(a)、V(h)和V(s),其中V(a) > V(h); v) effects in i) - iv) are larger under VS than PS; vi) residents' (migrants') consumption is lower (higher) under either policy than under a closed economy; vii) consumption falls with ability's inequality; viii) contrary to the situation with education and skill, consumption inequality is lower under VS than PS; viii) ability, education and skill (consumption) under NS are identical (is larger than) the combined values under PS and VS. Orders of magnitude, empirical research plans, and policy implications are provided.