
IZA DP第89号:移居以色列:逆境条件下的移民


对以色列土地(巴勒斯坦)和以色列国的移民(Aliyah)数据的简要分析显示:在1882年至1947年期间,在连续的移民浪潮中,约54.3万犹太人移民到巴勒斯坦,加入了居住在那里的2.4万犹太人的行列。在建国的前三年(1948-1950),犹太人口的年平均增长率约为24%,1948-1952年间,大量移民71.1万,人口63万。最近,以色列见证了苏联移民的大规模涌入。1990年至1998年,以色列456万人口因879486名移民而富裕起来,增长率为19.3%。1991年,在“所罗门行动”中,仅一天就有15000名犹太人被空运走。是什么因素驱使犹太人从世界各地前所未有地迁移到以色列?许多主要的国际移民流动在本质上主要是经济性质的(贫困的推动或预期提高的生活水平的拉动),或者是对迫害的回应。虽然所有这些因素都在移民以色列的问题上发挥了一定作用,但以色列的情况不同寻常,因为它的根源基本上是意识形态。以色列一直鼓励和协助移民和吸收进程,作为支持移民的意识形态和政策的一部分。它的理由être过去和现在仍然是聚集和保留犹太移民,并将这些不同的因素锻造成一个统一的国家。 Israel is a country established for and administered by immigrants from diverse countries and origins. In most cases of rapid population growth, per capita income declines. This is due to adjustment problems, low productivity of immigrants and infrastructure bottle-necks. Israel was an exception. Immigration was accompanied by accelerated growth rates even though large public funds were devoted to housing, employment and social services to facilitate the direct absorption of mass immigration. As a result, per capita income which was $3,500 in 1950 surged to $17,000 in 1996 - an annual growth rate of 3.5 percent. This paper describes the major waves of immigration to Israel, starting from 1882 up to the present. For each immigration wave, its size, composition, origin and characteristics are documented. It then focuses on the process of immigrants’ assimilation in the local labor market and addresses three main questions: (i) How well do immigrants adapt to the Israeli economy? (ii) What are the effects of immigration on employment opportunities and are they paying their way in the welfare state? (iii) Are population and production growth interrelated? The facts and figures lead to an overall evaluation of the immigration process and to the lessons to be learned from past experience to improve the absorption process. In particular, return migration, which reflects failure to absorb, is discussed, and the very different absorption policies of the 1950s and the 1990s are contrasted and compared. Suggestions for changes in immigration policies are discussed. An evaluation of the contribution of immigration to economic growth and of the importance of Hebrew language acquisition is also presented. The last section of this paper provides a summary and conclusions.

