
IZA DP No. 8696:培养和衡量技能:提高认知和非认知技能,促进终身成功


本文综述了最近关于测量和提高认知和非认知技能的文献。文献表明,成绩测试不能充分捕捉性格技能:在劳动力市场、学校和许多其他领域受到重视的性格特征、目标、动机和偏好。它们的预测能力可以与认知技能相媲美。已经开发出可靠的性格测量方法。所有对性格和认知的衡量都是对某些任务表现的衡量。为了从任务中可靠地估计技能,在测量任何特定技能时,有必要对激励、努力和其他技能进行标准化。性格是一种技能,而不是一种特质。在任何年龄,角色技能在不同任务中都是稳定的,但技能会随着生命周期的变化而变化。性格是由家庭、学校和社会环境塑造的。技能的发展是一个动态的过程,早期的学习为以后的成功投资奠定了基础。 High-quality early childhood and elementary school programs improve character skills in a lasting and cost-effective way. Many of them beneficially affect later-life outcomes without improving cognition. There are fewer long-term evaluations of adolescent interventions, but workplace-based programs that teach character skills are promising. The common feature of successful interventions across all stages of the life cycle through adulthood is that they promote attachment and provide a secure base for exploration and learning for the child. Successful interventions emulate the mentoring environments offered by successful families.