
IZA DP No. 6975:移民、国际贸易和资本形成:因果关系?

发表于:Chiswick, Barry R.和Paul W. Miller(编),《国际移民经济学手册》,卷1B, Elsevier, North-Holland, Ch. 18, 2015

在本文中,我们概述了国际移民与国际贸易以及资本流动之间的关系。在简要回顾历史之后,我们首先在静态的新古典主义背景下研究两国之间的移民流动。我们考虑到对移民的分类观点,对不同类型的劳动力进行区分,并强调移民流动和现有存量之间的区别。我们关注不同的福利渠道,国内收入分配,国际收入趋同,以及移民和贸易是替代还是补充。互补性/可替代性取决于各国是否拥有相同的技术,关键问题是技术是否具有凸性。一般来说,在贸易和移民的可替代性下,在凸技术条件下,全球化倾向于导致趋同。此外,在非凸技术条件下,贸易和移民往往是互补的。考虑到资本调整成本和资本流动性的动态模型,移民和资本流动之间的关系也是如此。然而,在新古典主义模型中,我们可以观察到在向稳定状态过渡的过程中,资本积累与移民同时发生。此外,我们可以解释反向迁移。 We also touch upon the effects of migration on the accumulation of both knowledge and human capital, by invoking endogenous growth theory. Finally, we review the empirical literature exploring the link between migration and trade. The discussion is based on the so called gravity model of trade, in which trade between pairs of countries is related to measures of their respective sizes, preferences, and trade costs. We revisit the identification of the overall trade-creating effect of migration and its break-down into the trade channel and the preference channel. We clarify the role of product differentiation for the size of estimated effects, discuss the role of immigrants' education and occupation, and emphasize direct and indirect networks and their trade-enhancing potential.