

本文比较了促进弱势儿童在代内和跨代社会流动的早期儿童充实计划。我们没有进行标准的元分析,而是对影响当前政策的项目进行了统一的原始数据分析。我们的分析是跨项目严格综合和比较的模板。我们分析了从标志性项目中收集的新的长期生命周期数据,这些项目的参与者是中年人,他们的孩子是20多岁。这些标志性的项目本质上是综合性的,为儿童和他们的父母提供了许多服务。我们将它们与相对低成本、更有针对性的家访项目进行比较。成功的干预措施既针对儿童,也针对其照料者。他们让照顾者参与进来,改善儿童的家庭生活。它们能永久提高认知和非认知技能。参与丰富家庭环境项目的人在成长过程中拥有更好的技能、工作、收入、婚姻稳定和健康,并减少了犯罪的参与。 Long-run monetized gains are substantially greater than program costs for iconic programs. We investigate the mechanisms promoting successful family lives for participants and find intergenerational effects on their children. A study of focused home-visiting programs that target parents enables us to isolate a crucial component of successful programs: they activate and promote parenting skills of child caregivers. The home-visiting programs we analyze produce outcomes comparable to those of the iconic omnibus programs. National implementation of the programs with long-run follow up that we analyze would substantially shrink the overall US Black-White earnings gap.