
IZA DP No. 14832:意大利和其他欧洲国家从学校到工作过渡的持续时间:一个灵活的基线危险解释


目的:与其他欧盟国家相比,意大利从学校到工作的过渡(STWT)是惊人的缓慢和漫长。本文的目的是分析其决定因素比较意大利的情况下,奥地利,波兰和英国在性别视角。设计/方法/方法:分析基于具有比例风险的Cox生存模型。平滑的危险估计使我们能够识别危险函数的非线性路径。调查结果:我们估计,向稳定工作过渡的实际时间约为30个月。相反,在其他国家不到一年。女性受到的惩罚尤其严重,尽管她们的平均受教育程度高于男性。获得高等教育学位或在高中接受职业教育会大大增加危险率。平滑的危险估计支持在过渡开始时正的持续时间依赖,之后略微为负的假设。实际影响:刺激经济增长和投资教育和培训是缩短转型的重要前提条件。 Originality: Despite the duration of the STWT is one of the most important indicators to measure the efficiency of the STWT, it is not easy to measure. The authors build on their previous research work on this topic, but relaxing the assumption of a monotonic hazard rate and using the flexible baseline hazard approach to test for the existence of non-linear duration dependence. Furthermore, they extend the analysis by including student-workers who attended a vocational path of education, in order to detect its effectiveness in allowing young people finding a job sooner.