
IZA DP No. 13187:引发自营职业的感知健康和健康成本

Milena NikolovaBoris Nikolaev.,奥尔加波波文

我们探讨自愿与自愿的非自愿和自愿退出如何影响生活和健康满足。为此,我们将从1985年至2017年从德国社会经济专家组使用丰富的纵向数据以及差异差异估算。Our findings suggest that while transitioning from self-employment to salaried employment (i.e., a voluntary self-employment exit) brings small improvements in health and life satisfaction, the negative psychological costs of business failure (i.e., switching from self-employment to unemployment) are substantial and exceed the costs of involuntarily losing a salaried job (i.e., switching from salaried employment to unemployment). Meanwhile, leaving self-employment has no consequences for selfreported physical health and behaviors such as smoking and drinking, implying that the costs of losing self-employment are largely psychological. Moreover, former business owners fail to adapt to an involuntary self-employment exit even two or more years after this traumatic event. Our findings imply that policies encouraging entrepreneurship should also carefully consider the costs of business failure.