
IZA DP No.12494:研究评估中的性别差距:从提交到经济学会议的证据


我们研究了对经济学会议的提交的评估中的性别差异。使用来自欧洲经济协会的年度大会(2015-2017)的数据,西班牙经济协会年会(2012-2017),以及年轻经济学家的春季会议(2017年),我们发现所有女性撰写的papers are 3.2 p.p. (6.8%) less likely to be accepted than all-male-authored papers. This gap is present after controlling for (i) number of authors, (ii) referee fixed effects, (iii) field, (iv) cites of the paper at submission year, (v) previous publication record of the authors, and (vi) the quality of the affiliations of the authors. We also find that the gap is entirely driven by male referees - female referees evaluate male and female-authored papers similarly, but male referees are more favorable towards papers written by men.