
IZA DP No. 117: IAB就业子样本1975-1995匿名子样本提供的分析机会


IAB就业子样本现在有第三个匿名版本供研究人员使用。继所谓基本档案和内部劳动局就业子样本的区域档案(包括1975年至1990年)之后,基本档案的实际版本现在包括1975年至1995年,并首次载有1992年至1995年期间关于东德的资料。因此,IAB就业子样本配备了在给定的21年期间内由社会保险系统注册的所有员工的1%的数据。这些数据由联邦就业服务(Bundesanstalt für Arbeit)存储到一个文件中,为德国社会保险系统记录的每个员工提供一个保险账户。在样本中增加了关于机构和索赔人领取津贴的失业期间的补充资料。这一版本现在载有社会保险制度所记录的559,540人的就业历史和领取津贴期间的确切每日流动资料。它可以重现就业生涯,而不存在社会研究中确实出现的纵向调查的典型问题(例如,小组死亡率,记忆差距)。然而,在数据生成过程中会出现一些特定的问题。一般来说,来自就业统计数据(如IAB就业子样本)的数据受《社会法典x》的保密约束,将这些数据传递给第三方将使复杂的审批程序变得必要。为了避免这种困难,审计委员会决定按照《联邦统计法》规定的事实匿名化程序对数据进行匿名化。 The project could only be realized with financial assistance from the scientific community. Along with the anonymising of person- and establishment-related cross-section information, the longitudinal information of the persons involved had to be anonymised factually, too. The procedure mainly consisted in the aggregation of the characteristics and in a shift of the complete employment history of each person on the time axis. Comparing the anonymised with the original IAB employment subsample it is shown that the anonymising procedures do not place any serious constraints on the analysis potential of the file. Though the distribution of establishment transitions along the time axis cannot not be reproduced with the anonymised IAB employment subsample, cross-section comparisons of stocks at an historical point in time and multivariate models aiming at daily accuracy (e.g. piecewise constant exponential models) do not lead to any deviations of the results between the two files. The anonymised IAB employment subsample, which is available to researchers through the Central Archive for Empirical Social Research at the University of Cologne, is, therefore, one of the most important German sources for employment market research.