
IZA DP No.11328:迁移为危机中的调整机制?2006 - 2016年欧洲与美国的比较


通过比较欧洲和美国的区域一级的危机前和危机后的迁移运动,以及他们与非对称劳动力市场冲击的协会,我们估计迁移是否可以是劳动力市场的平衡势力。基于使用区域面板数据的固定效应回归,我们发现欧洲对失业冲击的迁徙反应与危机后在美国录制的几乎相同。Our estimates suggest that, if all measured population changes in Europe were due to migration for employment purposes – i.e. an upper-bound estimate – up to about a quarter of the asymmetric labour market shock would be absorbed by migration within a year. However, in Europe and especially in the Eurozone, the reaction to a very large extent stems from migration of recent EU accession country citizens as well as of third-country nationals.