
IZA DP No. 10263:青年就业项目能改善劳动力市场结果吗?系统回顾

题为“青年就业计划是否改善了劳动力市场的结果?”《定量评论》,见:世界发展,2019年,114,237 - 253

本研究回顾了青年就业计划对劳动力市场结果影响的证据。该分析着眼于各种干预措施的有效性以及影响方案绩效的因素,包括国家背景、目标受益者、方案设计和实施以及评估类型。我们确定了113项反事实影响评估,涵盖了广泛的方法、干预措施和国家。使用meta分析方法,我们基于2259个效应量(标准化平均差异,或称SMD)和3105个治疗效应估计的统计显著性(阳性和统计显著性,或称PSS)综合证据。总体而言,我们发现,在全球实施的青年就业项目评估结果中,只有三分之一以上显示出对劳动力市场结果的显著积极影响–无论是就业率还是收入。总的来说,项目在中低收入国家更成功;这可能是因为这些项目的投资对他们针对的最弱势群体–低技能,低收入—特别有帮助。我们还推测,最近的项目可能受益于设计和实现方面的创新。此外,在中低收入国家,技能培训和创业项目似乎产生了更大的影响。然而,这并不意味着这些程序应该严格优先于其他程序; much depends on the needs of beneficiaries and program design. In high-income countries, the role of intervention type is less decisive – much depends on context and how services are chosen and delivered, a result that holds across country types. We find strong evidence that programs that integrate multiple interventions are more likely to succeed because they are better able to respond to the different needs of beneficiaries. We also find evidence about the importance of profiling and follow-up systems in determining program performance, and some evidence about the importance of incentive systems for services providers.