Hilmar Schneider rejoined IZA in March 2016. Between 2013 and 2016, he was the Director of the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) after having served 12 years at IZA as Director of Labor Policy. In 2014, he was appointed a honorary professor at the Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education of the University of Luxembourg.

Hilmar施耐德学习社会科学和经济mics at the university of Frankfurt/Main. After finishing his diploma as a Social Scientist he worked from 1983 to 1987 as a research assistant in the special collaborative program "Microanalytic foundations of social policy". He received his doctoral degree in 1987 with a dissertation on the determinants of unemployment duration. Then he held an assistant professorship from 1987 to 1993 in the department of economics in the department of economics at the university of Frankfurt/Main, giving lectures in statistics, econometrics and labor economy. In 1994, he became head of the labor market department of the Halle institute for economic research. Among else within this activity, he worked as a visiting scholar at the World Economy Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1998. His successful acting at the interface between economic research and policy advice is well documented by numerous research reports, journal articles and presence in the media. Moreover, he advises the German government, e.g. since 2007 as a member of the German Census Commission. From 2006 to 2008 he acted as a member of the National Council for Social and Economic Data. In 2011 and 2012 he operated as a principal expert for the Chancellor's dialogue on the Future of Germany.

Besides labor policy, his main research emphases comprise problems of social protection, wage policy and demography. His most important publications cover papers about the labor market effects of replacement wages, the labor market perspectives of East Germany, the efficiency of active labor policy in the transformation process, and the welfare state perspectives of Europe.


IZA Publications

IZA Standpunkt Nr. 88
published as: 'Universal Basic Income - Empty Dreams of Paradise' in: Intereconomics, 2017, 52 (2), 83-87, DOI: 10.1007/s10272-017-0651-1
IZA Standpunkt Nr. 51
published as 'Reformpolitik und institutioneller Wandel: Neue Chancen für benachteiligte Gruppen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt?' in: Hinte, H.; Zimmermann, K.F. (Eds.): Zeitenwende auf dem Arbeitsmarkt - Wie der demografische Wandel die Erwerbsgesellschaft verändert. (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung) 2013, 142-167
IZA Standpunkt Nr. 50
published as 'Arbeitszeitpolitik als Bedingung flexibler Lösungen im Lebensverlauf' in: Hüther, M.; Naegele, G. (eds.) 2013: Demografiepolitik - Herausforderungen und Handlungsfelder. (Springer VS) Wiesbaden, 283-298
IZA Standpunkt Nr. 33
published in: Journal for Labour Market Research, 2011, 44 (1-2), 197-203
IZA Standpunkt Nr. 26
revised version published as 'Reform der Hartz IV-Hinzuverdienstregelungen: Ein verfehlter Ansatz' in: Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 2011, 12(1), 12-26
IZA Standpunkt Nr. 25
published in: Wirtschaftsdienst, 2010, 90(4), 230-234
IZA Standpunkt Nr. 18
revised version published in: Journal for Labour Market Research / Zeitschrift für ArbeitsmarktForschung, 2011, 43(4), 327-338
IZA Standpunkt Nr. 16
published in: Lange, J. (Hrsg.), 2009, SGB II - Die Lehren aus der Evaluationsforschung nach §6c. Loccumer Protokolle 09/09, 91-105
IZA Standpunkt Nr. 9
published as: 'More and Better Data for Labor Market Research. Proposals for Efficient Access to the Currently Unused Potential of Official Statistical Data' in: German Data Forum (RatSWD): Buildung on Progress: Expanding the Research Infrastructure for the Social, Economic, and Behavioral Sciencs, Vol. 2, Opladen and Farmington Hills, MI, 2010, 959 - 970