帕特里克·阿尼(Patrick Arni)是布里斯托尔大学经济学院的高级讲师。他获得了HEC Lausanne经济系的博士学位。他完成了瑞士国家银行研究中心Gerzensee的博士学位课程。过去,他曾是加州大学伯克利分校劳动经济学中心的来访学者,此前曾在蒂尔堡大学。帕特里克获得了苏黎世大学的硕士学位,并在日内瓦大学进行了其他研究。

His research focuses on the empirical analysis of public policies and applied microeconometrics. Current fields of application are in digital transformation, labor, education, health and social policy. In current work he studies the impact of digital transformation and technological change on skill demand dynamics. Furthermore, he analyzes the effect of the design, incentives and policy programs in unemployment insurance, welfare and other public policies. This includes labor market policies, sanctions & monitoring, benefit schemes etc. Further strands of research are the analysis of job search behavior (like the role of effort decisions, information, networks) and the evaluation of the impacts of beliefs, relative assessments and overconfidence on different economic outcomes.

此外,帕特里克·阿尼(Patrick Arni)专门研究注册和调查数据的新型组合。当前的一系列项目链接了瑞士不同类型的大规模寄存器数据,探索了“大数据”分析方法的可能机会。此外,他还参与了失业保险中几个随机现场实验的设计和评估。进一步的数据项目着重于制定个人信念的调查措施以及不同经济成果的过度自信。另请参阅研究主页有关更多详细信息。




修改后的版本published in: IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, 2014, 3(6), 1-20[Open Access]
修改后的版本(including technical online appendix) published in: Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2013, 28 (7), 1153–1178
Iza Standpunkt NR。70
published in: Wirtschaftsdienst, 2014, 94(6), 403-406[open access]
Iza Standpunkt NR。65
从根本上讲修改后的版本发表于:Schmollers Jahrbuch。应用社会科学研究杂志,2014年,第134(2)期,第149-182页。
Country reports for Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and the United States (174 Seiten)
奥地利,法国,德国,意大利,荷兰,葡萄牙,西班牙,斯洛伐克,瑞典,瑞士,英国和美国的国家报告(153 Seiten)
IZA Research Report No. 71
Summary report of three scientific studies; mandated by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), Bonn 2016 (100 pages)
IZA Research Report No. 70
Report based on a study conducted for the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), Bonn 2015 (154 pages), overview article published in: Die Volkswirtschaft, 12/2015, 50-53 (German|法语
Forschungsbericht Zu Einem Projekt im Auftrag der Bertelsmann Stiftung,Bonn 2015(86 Seiten)
根据针对瑞士国家经济事务秘书处(SECO)进行的一项研究的报告,2014年(133页),简短概述发表于:Die Volkswirtschaft,5-2014,52-54(52-54)(German|法语
Report based on a study conducted for the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), Bonn 2014 (97 pages)