
IZA DP No. 10412:社交媒体使用与儿童福祉


儿童时期的环境和行为已被证明对以后的生活有重要的持续影响。在过去的十年里,儿童的一个方面发生了巨大的变化,引起了政策制定者和其他负责保护儿童的机构的关注,这就是社交媒体或在线社交网络的出现。本研究探讨了儿童数字社交网络对其主观幸福感的影响。我们使用了2010年至2014年英国家庭纵向研究中10-15岁的大型代表性样本,并估计了在社交网站上聊天的时间对一些结果的影响,这些结果反映了这些孩子对生活不同方面的感受,特别是:学校工作;外观;家庭;朋友;学校参加;以及整个生活。我们通过使用Ofcom发布的宽带速度和移动电话信号强度信息的工具变量方法来处理社交网络的潜在内生性。 Our results suggest that spending more time on social networks reduces the satisfaction that children feel with all aspects of their lives, except for their friendships; and that girls suffer more adverse effects than boys. As well as addressing policy makers' concerns about the effects of digital technology on children, this work also contributes to wider debates about the socioeconomic consequences of the internet and digital technologies more generally, a debate which to date has largely been based on evidence from outside of the UK.