Brian Cadena is an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Colorado Boulder.

He received a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Michigan in 2008 and a B.A. in Economics and Psychology from Northwestern in 2003.

His primary research interests are the labor market impacts of immigration and the intersection of behavioral economics with the economics of education. Dr. Cadena’s current research projects examine the role of immigrants in equalizing earnings across the United States and how demand conditions affect college major choices.

His work has been supported by grants from the Russell Sage Foundation and the University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research, and his research has been published in leading journals including the Review of Economics and Statistics, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, and Journal of Human Resources.

He serves as an Associate Editor at Journal of Human Resources.

He joined IZA as a Research Fellow in April 2015.