
IZA DP No. 14269: 2019冠状病毒病对劳动力市场的影响:来自南欧企业样本的早期证据

发表于:《国际人力资源杂志》,2022,43 (4),1054 - 1082

本研究使用的证据来自世界银行对来自南欧六个国家的公司样本进行的企业调查。报告审查了Covid-19对劳动力市场影响的早期证据。证据和分析是在大流行仍在蔓延之际提供的。Covid-19的未来进展和政府的遏制措施是不确定的,在大流行结束后,全面的经济后果可能会继续显现。对劳动力的全面影响可能不会是第一个。尽管如此,从大流行病的早期阶段吸取教训的可能性非常重要,因此这项工作是有价值的。该研究表明,尽管各国努力支持企业并囤积劳动力,但仍有可能出现大量企业倒闭,从而导致失业。公司的临时关闭也意味着劳动周的大量损失。这在一定程度上与大量工人被迫休假有关。临时关闭和无薪休假所带来的成本将由公司、工人和政府承担。 The effects of Covid-19 on firms differ across sectors. Adverse effects tend to be higher in hospitality, non-essential retail and travel. A degree of gender segregation means that these are sectors with a high proportion of female workers and, in consequence, most of the countries in the sample exhibit an early decline of the share of women in employment. That many firms lack the capacity to survive further temporary closures of a similar duration to those in the earlier stages emphasises that the support provided in the near future is of critical importance to control employment losses through permanent firm closures.